
January 31, 2012

The Sculptures

John and I were absolutely stunned by the sculptures we saw in Italy. As we visited the Vatican Museum and the National Museum of Rome, we saw everything from an Egyptian styled hyena god to Brutus, one of the men who conspired to kill Julius Caesar. Each sculpture was so intricately and artfully made, and now they are so incredibly ancient! Many of these statues were sculpted from marble at least 2,000 years ago.  A few of them were cast from bronze. What a great honor to take a peek at what Romans looked like so very long ago.  I was especially astounded in November to be standing face to face with Caesar Augustus, the man responsible for issuing the decree that a census should be taken of all the Roman world - which led Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem just in time for baby Jesus to be born (See Luke chapter 2).         

1 comment:

  1. Right. Looking Ceasar Augustus in the eye...that's a trip.
    Oh, "anonymous" = Catherine W. (in this case).
